COSHH Chemical Risk Assessment
15 Jul 2024
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) is the UK law that requires organisations to prevent or reduce employee exposure to substances that pose a risk to health through the sharing of information, provision of appropriate equipment and implementing adequate controls.
Storing all assessments in one easy to use online system enables your whole organisation to access up-to-date information anytime, anywhere, supporting the continued safety of those handling and using hazardous substances.
- Document management – Publish the latest chemical risk assessment and archive old versions.
- Notify users – Efficiently distribute risk assessments to ensure all chemical hazards are communicated.
- Instant access – access information in app or download PDFs of Assessments in seconds.
- Customisable scoring – categories can be allocated customised risk levels.
- Data transfer from SDS – Data will be pre-filled on chemical risk assessments built by the client.
- Compliant templates – Easy to use, compliant risk assessment templates featuring best practice guidance included.
- Easy risk assessment builder – Defined step-by-step process to aid the creation of relevant risk assessments.
- Customisable templates – Create smart risk assessments based on your requirements.
- Reporting – assess organisational COSHH compliance.
- Efficiently deliver focused and relevant assessments – Organisations have different needs when it comes to COSHH. By creating customised templates specific to the needs of your organisation you can efficiently deliver the key information to the right teams.
- Intelligent reporting – Ensuring chemical safety compliance for both your organisation and your suppliers can be an administrative nightmare. Safety Data Sheets, sourced directly from manufacturers and assessed for compliance with EU & UK legislation, enable data entry support and compilation for both UK and EU REACH. The system reporting tool can then be used to assess your organisations COSHH compliance.
- Efficient administration – All key data from the safety data sheet is collated into your chemical risk assessments and is pre-filled on all COSHH assessments. The information includes the full product classification (GHS pictograms, Hazard & Precautionary Statements), a list of ingredient substances, and a list of UK workplace exposure limits (EH40).
Plus, options for additional modules for advanced portfolio reporting, managing employee exposure levels and chemical substitution for safer alternatives.
Solutions for your business
Realise efficiencies with this time saving tool, and rest assured all parties have access to accurate, up to date safety information when they need it.
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