Our Experts

Elaine Jennings

Chemical Assessor
Elaine Jennings B&W


Elaine is an environmental chemist with an interdisciplinary background. Prior to joining Ricardo, she earned a PhD in Chemistry from the University of Leipzig in Germany, a MSc in Toxicology from Oregon State University, and a BSc in Biochemistry from University of California Davis.

Her PhD research focused on the impact of ozonation used during wastewater treatment and involved novel compound discovery as well as biodegradation assessment of complex environmental mixtures. Working with vast non-target datasets has made Elaine talented at data wrangling and visualization, with the ability to draw conclusions from otherwise convoluted datasets. Elaine’s research during her MSc focused on PFAS surfactants used in firefighting materials (AFFFs) and investigated possible siloxane-based alternatives.  Elaine has experience working with a variety of different compound classes, including siloxane surfactants, PFAS, PAHs, and natural organic matter mixtures. She has broad experience with analytical chemistry and a variety of analytical methods important for the detection of chemicals in the environment.

Since joining Ricardo in 2024, Elaine has been involved in biodegradation and persistence evaluations of various substances. She has used her understanding of organic chemistry to better assess chemicals for their reactivity and potential environmental impacts.