Lisa Rossbach

Lisa is a Senior Ecotoxicologist with 10 years’ experience in aquatic ecotoxicology. Prior to joining Ricardo, she gained her PhD in Environmental Sciences and Ecotoxicology from the Norwegian University of Life Sciences in Norway, and a MSc in Applied Marine Sciences and a BSc in Environmental Sciences from the University of Plymouth.
During her career she has specialised in assessing the toxicological consequence of short- and long-term exposures to a range of inorganic and organic pollutants (including nanomaterials, metals, radionuclides, and plastics) to aquatic and terrestrial organisms, plants, and ecosystems. Further to this, Lisa has extensive knowledge of oxidative stress related effects, reprotoxicity, and bioaccumulation of inorganic contaminants, as well as the behaviour of chemicals in aquatic systems.
As a lecturer, Lisa has a clear communication style with experience teaching the scientific principles that underpin metal and nanomaterial chemistry, analysis, and ecotoxicology. She has a thorough understanding of inorganic analytical chemistry of environmental samples, important for assessing the presence, concentration, and transport of inorganic pollutants.
Since joining Ricardo in 2024, Lisa has been involved in applying read-across methodologies for UVCB substances under the REACH regulation, assessing the ecotoxicological effects of hydrocarbon solvents, and developing testing strategies to aid environmental hazard classification of surfactants and cosmetic ingredients under CLP regulation.