Annual report 2014/15
- Good year-end order book at £140m (2014: £142m)
- Revenue up 9% to £258m (2014: £236m)
- Order intake of £252m (2014: £259m)
- Underlying(1) profit before tax up 9% to £26.8m (2014: £24.6m)
- Underlying(1) basic earnings per share up 10% to 42.4p (2014: 38.7p)
- Net funds up £1.7m to £14.3m after £3.6m of acquisition-related payments (2014: £12.6m)
- Full year dividend up 9% to 16.6p per share (2014: 15.2p)
- Year of strategic acquisitions and business reorganisation; Vepro and Power Planning Associates acquired in the year; Lloyd’s Register Rail and Cascade Consulting completed post year-end; and
- Positive outlook; order book and financial position provides good platform for future growth
(1)Excluding specific adjusting items of £3.9m (2014: £1.1m), which comprise amortisation of acquired intangible assets and acquisition-related costs (see Note 3 of full statement - download available on right of this page). Including specific adjusting items, reported profit before tax was £22.9m (2014: £23.5m) and reported basic earnings per share was 35.6p (2014: 36.9p).