Air Pollution Footprint Partnership

Supporting good environmental, social, and governance values

Businesses across industry have a key role to play in reducing air pollution. Many activities including internal processes, production-related activities and/or wider supply chain logistics can and do generate both air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions (GHG). Despite this, current corporate reporting frameworks focus exclusively on measuring and reporting greenhouse emissions whilst air pollution and its impacts are not considered.

Proactive reporting on corporate air pollution emissions demonstrates good environmental, social, and governance values, appeals to socially responsible investors and consumers, and can inform activities to improve air quality in local neighbourhoods and communities. It also helps to improve the quality of life for those living and working nearby.

Broadening corporate GHG reporting to include pollutants that affect local air quality represents an important step-change in environmental reporting that supports better sustainability.

To support companies in reporting emissions of air pollutants together with greenhouse gases, Ricardo, in partnership with Impact on Urban Health and the Clean Air Fund, is developing a new approach to corporate emissions reporting.

To join the partnership or for more information, visist:

Contact us to participate

If your organisation is interested in taking part in the second phase of the Air pollution footprint pilot scheme, please fill in the contact form linked below.