Clean transport technologies and fuels

We apply evidence-based analysis to develop strategies and action plans that improve the sustainability and efficiencies of vehicles and fleets, in addition to identifying opportunities for investment in low-carbon and low-pollution technologies and fuels.

Expert advice for the implementation of effective transport technology

We have in-depth understanding of the transport and climate change policy landscape globally, including policy and regulations on greenhouse gases, fuel economy, air quality, safety, fuel quality standards, alternative refuelling/recharging infrastructure and carbon pricing.

We use a wide range of qualitative and quantitative approaches in our analyses, underpinned by a sound understanding of transport technologies and fuels (drawing on Ricardo’s wider engineering expertise), practical considerations and the policy context to help both policymakers and businesses in the transport industry explore the environmental, economic and feasibility implications of new and emerging business models.

Developed in 2010, our bespoke modelling tool, SULTAN, is designed to analyse the potential impact of different technologies and policy pathways for all modes of transport, and the development of sustainable mobility strategies. It has been used in many policy studies at EU level (for the EC, and a range of NGOs and trade associations).

The Bus Charger Route Model (BusChaRM) tool helps decision makers assess the relative costs and emissions of different electric bus technologies and has been instrumental to assessing optimum charging locations for zero emission buses in the West Midlands.

Ricardo’s Vehicle life-cycle assessment (LCA) modelling framework – developed to provide a comprehensive and consistent analysis of the environmental impacts of a wide range of road vehicle types, powertrains and fuel/electricity production chains. This framework is used to inform advice for policymakers and to support strategy development in the transport industry.

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Bespoke transport modelling tools

We develop and use bespoke modelling tools to explore the energy, environmental and economic impacts of different technology and policy scenarios, and infrastructure implications. 

Sustainable Transport Model (SULTAN)

Developed in 2010, our bespoke modelling tool, SULTAN, is designed to analyse the potential impact of different technologies and policy pathways for all modes of transport, and the development of sustainable mobility strategies. It has been used in many policy studies at EU level (for the EC, and a range of NGOs and trade associations).

Bus Charger Route Model (BusChaRM)

The Bus Charger Route Model (BusChaRM) tool helps decision makers assess the relative costs and emissions of different electric bus technologies and has been instrumental to assessing optimum charging locations for zero emission buses in the West Midlands.

Vehicle life-cycle assessment (LCA) modelling framework

Ricardo’s Vehicle life-cycle assessment (LCA) modelling framework – developed to provide a comprehensive and consistent analysis of the environmental impacts of a wide range of road vehicle types, powertrains and fuel/electricity production chains. This framework is used to inform advice for policymakers and to support strategy development in the transport industry.

case studies

Aviation Fuel

Sustainable Aviation Fuels: Establishing the EU SAF Clearing House

Read case study
Truck Hgv On Motorway

Heavy duty vehicle hydrogen retrofit study

Read case study
Shutterstock 1333168628 Sized ANCEN

EU Aviation: Non-CO2 Expert Network

Read case study

Clean transport technologies and fuels Resources

CATAGEN first to submit sustainable aviation fuel sample to EU SAF Clearing House

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Ricardo presents at CORE Connect event in Adelaide

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Ricardo delivers energy usage calculations on forthcoming Paris Metro routes

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Aviation's search for new talent

Read RQ

Meet the experts

Hill N

Nikolas Hill

Associate Director for Transport Technology and Fuels

Read my story