Environmental, social and governance
Effective management and clear objectives are imperative to address our Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) material issues which are an integral part of day-to-day business. They form part of our sustainability strategy, with a link to financial performance and long-term business-model resilience. Doing the right thing is what we believe in, what we are passionate about and what we pride ourselves on.
ESG governance
The governance of ESG at Ricardo is through a three-layer system starting with the Board and progresses through the company with broad deployment to capture the sites and locations that are occupied and managed by the business units. The hierarchy is described below:
Promoting the long-term ESG matters:
• Environmental: Climate transition, strategy and impact
• Social: Employees, communities and clients
• Governance: Ethics, health and safety
Promoting the long-term ESG matters
• Directs and steers activities including approval for investments
• Directs activities and resources
• Reviews and directs progress against metrics
• Prepares report for the Responsible Business Committee
Promoting the long-term ESG matters:
• Collects and measures energy, waste, water and utilities
• Implements CAPEX expenditure
• Drives quality, health safety and environmental (QHSE) activities
• Drives charity and volunteering activities
ESG reporting in our Annual Report 2022/23
Sustainability is at the heart of our DNA: from the solutions we
deliver to the actions we take in our own ESG commitments.
We continually strive to be climate leaders: demonstrating responsible
business operations, results and data transparency to our internal
stakeholders. In doing this, our goal is to be trusted and credible guides to help our clients solve their most complex ESG challenges.
View our publicly disclosed ESG reporting in our current annual report for FY 2022/23.
Ricardo plc table for the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) standard on global sustainability reporting
As part of our commitment to sustainability reporting, we communicate and demonstrate our corporate impact on the environment, economy and people.
Download Ricardo Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) sustainability reporting table for 2023
Ricardo plc Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) report for 2023Our work for clients
We support our global clients with policy, strategy and environmental planning, and technology innovation to help governments, public sector and corporate clients with their decarbonisation and climate goals.
ESG ratings bodies
We are rated by these bodies