Free webinar: Building digital resilience on the railway
23 Jun 2020
In a free one-hour webinar to be hosted at 08.30 BST (09.30 CET) on 30 June, Ricardo rail industry experts will provide a high-level overview of the growing importance of digital resilience in the international railway sector.
With technology embedded across almost every aspect of the rail sector, true digital resilience is not just about ‘cybersecurity’, which is often associated with protecting IT systems with specific counter measures. It is also about managing interfaces between information networks and physical assets, identifying vulnerabilities in supply chains, and safeguarding interactions between staff and external environments.
Central to Ricardo’s approach is enabling managers and projects teams to understand the ever-changing risks inherent in digitally connected systems. In this webinar Ricardo Rail experts will introduce the essential components of a digital resilience strategy –
from risk analysis and threat profiling action to incident response.
In the webinar, Ricardo Rail’s Alzbeta Helienik, principal digital railway consultant, and Michel van den Braak, rolling stock consultant, will outline the key building blocks of a digital resilience strategy, including an explanation of the relevant regulations and a proven model for an organisational resilience plan. The discussions will be illustrated by real-world case studies drawn from the experiences of clients and stakeholders in the industry.
For further information or to register for this free webinar visit: https://rail.ricardo.com/news/webinar-digital-resilience-in-the-railway-(june-30th)