Tata Signing Ceremony

12 July 2019

Ricardo and Tata Power-DDL collaborate on smart energy management in India

Ricardo’s energy team has signed an agreement to collaborate with Tata Power Delhi Distribution Limited (Tata Power-DDL) – a joint venture between Tata Power and the Government of the New Capital Territory of Delhi – to deliver innovation and improve quality of service for energy consumers in Delhi.

The companies have extensive experience in delivering a range of energy technologies and process improvements and will be collaborating across a range of energy management disciplines including; improving network resilience, for example through asset life extension, integration of renewable energy technologies into the grid; and considerations for the growing demand for electric vehicle charging.

The agreement was signed by SanJay Banga, CEO of Tata Power-DDL, and Timothy Skelton, director- Advanced Systems Architecture - Energy Networks, and Arbaaz Nayeem, technical director, both of Ricardo’s energy team.
On the collaboration Timothy Skelton commented: “The extensive experience of both TATA Power-DDL and Ricardo experts will enable us to add significant value in tackling the energy challenges and recognizing the substantial opportunities in Delhi’s fast-changing energy industry. We’re very proud to be collaborating with TATA Power-DDL and look forward to seeing the positive impact our companies can have by working together.”
“Tata Power and Ricardo offer complementary world-class knowledge, and breadth of experience and expertise,” commented Tata Power Delhi Distribution CEO Sanjay Banga. “Through this collaboration we aim to deliver strategic-level support and insights to help the energy distribution infrastructure of the Delhi region make more effective use of its resources while exploiting the opportunities arising from innovations in areas including the integration of renewable energy generation and the electrification of road transport.”


Ricardo and Tata Power-DDL collaborate on smart energy management in India.