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Accelerating Europe’s transformation to a climate-resilient future

The impacts of climate change are already happening, and more regularly. This is evidenced by extreme weather events already increasing in magnitude and frequency, which are having direct and indirect impacts on our environment, society and economy. In turn, these impacts may increasingly lead to transnational spill-over effects on international trade, resource competition, regional conflict, migration, and the spread of pests and diseases. 



Building on its international expertise in climate adaptation, Ricardo is delivering adaptation planning and resilience support to Europe’s regions and local authorities. Ricardo is leading the EU Mission Implementation Platform for Adaptation to Climate Change (MIP4Adapt), supporting the European Commission and others in delivering the EU Mission on Adaptation to Climate Change. 

The Mission is focused on supporting European regions and local authorities to accelerate their adaptation to climate change and building climate resilience. 

Ricardo’s experts across Europe are working closely with the European Commission in delivering MIP4Adapt – which is the result of a public procurement process – with the work commitment starting in 2023 and running until 2025. MIP4Adapt’s core team also includes experts from Fresh Thoughts Consulting, Icatalist, the European Federation of Agencies and Regions for Energy and Environment – FEDARENE, and Joanneum Research, as well as experts from across Europe able to deliver technical assistance to the regional and local authorities in all EU Member States.



In leading MIP4Adapt, Ricardo is facilitating the development of a community of practice to promote the exchange of knowledge and experiences, enabling regional and local authorities across Europe to strengthen coordination and collaboration around climate adaptation. 

The community includes the 309 regional and local authorities that are signatories to the Mission Charter, covers approximately 40% of Europe’s land area and population, and is committed to striving towards climate resilience by 2030.  

Through MIP4Adapt, Ricardo is also delivering technical assistance to the regional and local authorities that are Charter signatories. This includes helping them to:  

  • develop their climate adaptation plans;  
  • identify appropriate climate adaptation demonstration projects;  
  • identify and access suitable finance and funding for implementation of their plans and demonstration projects; and
  • stimulate engagement and mobilisation of citizens and stakeholders in climate adaptation.



The Community of Practice serves as a knowledge-sharing hub for 675 individuals, including Charter Signatories, Friends of the Mission, EU-funded projects from various programmes working on adaptation, regions or local authorities participating in their implementation, the European Commission and other relevant European institutions, and national authorities. 

Furthermore, MIP4Adapt provides tailored technical assistance to 36 Charter Signatories, with this continuing to grow as more applications are accepted, assisting them in leveraging climate vulnerability assessments, identifying demonstration projects, and engaging citizens and stakeholders effectively. The platform also offers a dedicated helpdesk to address specific queries from regional and local authorities regarding MIP4Adapt's activities and their adaptation planning.  

MIP4Adapt has also published a DIY manual on citizen engagement​ and funding and financing guidance has been initiated. All of these support the MIP4Adapt’s vision of assisting European regions and communities to better understand, prepare for and manage climate risks and opportunities. 

With one of the key topics at COP28 centred around adaptation and resilience, MIP4Adapt puts the EU centre stage to showcase best practices in this area. For more information at COP28, the EU Mission on Adaptation to Climate Change will deliver a side event at COP28 on “Adaptation beyond borders: An EU Mission towards climate resilience”, highlighting the Mission as an innovative initiative that unites European regions and local actors in addressing climate change adaptation challenges. 

“Ricardo’s delivery of MIP4Adapt builds upon our support for the European Commission over the last decade regarding development and implementation of the EU Adaptation Strategy. It also draws on Ricardo’s wide-ranging experience of supporting all aspects of climate adaptation planning at all scales in over 40 countries beyond Europe, and on the expertise of our wider team. Through our leadership of MIP4Adapt, our desire is to help amplify the Mission’s overall impact across mainland Europe, so it is greater than the sum of individual actions.” Richard Smithers, Director of MIP4ADAPT and Ricardo’s international lead on climate adaptation.



Start and end dates

01/2023 - 01/2025



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