How To Get Started With Npi

NPI Checklist: How to get started with new product introduction

08 May 2023

Ricardo's experts have developed a free get started guide to get your NPI framework off to a great start.

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Engineering companies seeking to grow their business and improve profitability must constantly introduce ideas for innovation and change. New products with increased profit margins, increasing sales volumes, and reduced costs are all avenues of potential opportunity.

A robust new product introduction (NPI) framework is essential to bring your product to market from concept through to production. It enables manufacturers to manage their manufacturing programme holistically and builds agility and sustainability into your production practices.

New to NPI? Learn more about the process

Your FAQs about new product introduction

Developing an NPI strategy that’s right for your business can be a daunting prospect, especially if you are new to the principles of bringing a product to market. There are lots of factors to consider and each part of the process comes with its own set of challenges and risks that you will need to manage.

So how do you get started with developing an NPI strategy for your new product? Ricardo’s industrialisation consultants are on hand to help.

Our experts have developed a check-list to help you get started with the new product introduction process. It takes you through the key considerations that you will need to make to get your NPI framework ready for implementation.

The npi checklist covers the npi process, process engineering, commercial viability and business strategy, supply chain management and quality assurance and compliance

Download your get-started checklist for free now

Our get started checklist covers the basics steps of the NPI process and gives actionable insights into four key areas to look into;

  • Commercial viability and business strategy
  • Supply chain management
  • Process engineering
  • Quality assurance and compliance


Download your copy of our get started guide by completing the form at the bottom of this page.

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Who will benefit from this guide?

This checklist is designed to help those new to NPI to begin to think about the key requirements for their framework. It is aimed at those starting out on their journey to help them to launch a high quality product to the market as cost-effectively and efficiently as possible.

It can also be a useful to those already seasoned in bringing new products from concept to production. It can be used to sense check the manufacturing process and to review production programmes of existing products to find ways to improve factors like development cost, time to market and managing upgrades and new variations.

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