Attribute development

Ricardo experts practice attribute-led engineering for clients throughout the product development lifecycle, adding value and creating a strong link between users, systems, and components. Structured Computer Aided Engineering processes, virtual validation, and model-based development help reduce time and cost.

Attribute develop for complex vehicle architecture and systems

As vehicle architecture and systems become more complex, businesses require solutions that offer seamless integration. Our experts work with clients to understand their unique attribute requirements, evaluate architectures, and optimise trade-offs, using analysis to minimise development timescales.

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Ricardo has significant attribute development expertise in electrified powertrain, fuel cell thermal systems and combustion systems. Our unrivalled cross sector experience across the automotive and industrial sectors, results in targets that meet the needs of the future of mobility. 

Our specialist capabilities are focussed on providing attribute development for clients across the automotive and industrial sector. We support analysis and the integration of solutions in areas that include: 

  • Noise, vibration and harshness (NVH)
  • Aerodynamics
  • Architecture integration
  • Performance and economy
  • Thermal management
  • Weight reduction
  • Safety
  • Vehicle dynamics
  • Cost reduction

Ricardo specialists work with a broad spectrum of clients, from OEMs and Tier One suppliers to government sector, and research and development institutions and organisations.

Ricardo provides full attribute development services, supporting businesses with bespoke embedded software solutions across all stages of product development. From initial concept through to deploying stable builds of software platforms.

The team have a long history of providing innovative solutions, from our global technical centres to some of the world’s biggest brands and organisations.

Our experts develop embedded systems software on baremetal, lightweight ROTS, as well as the AUTOSAR framework. We create innovative software solutions to support the development of new products and provide expertise on software solutions, bespoke systems from the ground up and project support on existing development programs.

We operate across a broad range of market sectors and industries, including working with clients in automotive, defence, marine and aerospace. 

Cars On Road Overlay Connected

Why Ricardo for attribute development

Computer Aided Engineering

Ricardo uses Computer Aided Engineering and software solutions, to simulate performance to improve product design and assist in the resolution of engineering problems for a wide range of automotive and industrial uses.

Virtual validation

Ricardo engineers use bespoke virtual validation processes. including CAD and CAE, to implement 3D versions of products that can be tested and approved. Analysis supports clients to virtually prove their design concepts, through the simulation of multiple environments.

Model-Based Development (MBD)

As hybrid and electric vehicle systems become increasingly more complex, Ricardo’s expertise in model-based development supports clients across several sectors to simulate complex control processes, reducing product development time and cost.

Attribute development


This service is offered within the following sectors.

Discover our case studies

BIOCCUS Thumbnail

Negative emission cogeneration technology

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Steel Emotive Autonomous Vehicles On The Road

Sustainable MaaS solutions

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Toyota Fuel Cell Truck

Fuel cell electric zero emissions truck

Read case study

Attribute development Resources

David Valantin wins Ricardo Leading Lights award for commercialising sustainable hydrogen technologies for shipping

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How the aerospace industry is working towards a sustainable, zero-emissions future

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In conversation with Julie Fream and Leslie Bednarz

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Meet the experts

Matt Beasley

Matt Beasley

President Engine and Driveline Solutions

Read my story
Simon Tate

Simon Tate

Capability Head Attributes

Read my story

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