Sustainability Chemical Industry

Horizon scanning and compliance reporting

01 Jan 2023

The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) groups chemicals dangerous to health and the environment and substances of concern into lists with varying severity. Created under the Registration, Evaluation and Authorisation of Chemicals (REACH) Regulation, the lists are updated twice each year resulting in the movement of substances between lists, and each list carries its own regulatory implications and mitigation steps. 

Maintaining regulatory compliance requires regular monitoring of a substances status which can be time-consuming and problematic. A horizon scanning tool performs an inventory check to ascertain whether a substance appears on any global regulatory lists, providing status updates in a clear, easy-to-read report. The tool details any obligations and if substances need alteration, allowing you to make strategic decisions sooner and maintaining organisational compliance.  

Receive status updates as soon as the information is made available by investing in a horizon scanning tool. Ricardo’s solution can be purchased on a subscription basis of 3 or 5 years, or as a one-off, and provides you regulatory support at three varying levels: 

  • Bronze package – Best suited for those only concerned with the five REACH lists: Authorisation, Candidate, CoRAP, PACT, and Restriction.
  • Silver package – Includes the Bronze package lists, plus industry or area specific lists, such as: Nanomaterials and NGO; and EU Registration lists, such as Classification & Labelling Inventory and Harmonised Entries (ATP). This package enables you to track the differences between EU and GB CLP and REACH.
  • Gold package – Includes the Silver package lists, plus consultancy providing further advice on your results and an action plan if required. 

When subscribed at any level, reports are issued twice per year in line with ECHA’s release of updated REACH lists, enabling you to act as soon as the information is available. Our experts regularly monitor these lists and update our in-house database ensuring the reports issued contain the most recent developments. Bespoke reports where chemical regulations and databases are included to meet your specific needs can also be included. 

Let us take away your regulatory burden and reduce the time, expense and resource required to understand the complex requirements and changes for use of substances. 


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