Waste and resource measurement and modelling

The waste sector is on a digital transformation journey and our consultants help councils and waste management companies consider service changes and operational improvements, through robust scientific waste measurement and modelling

Comprehensive support for all your waste research and modelling needs

Ricardo works with public and private sector clients to develop robust deliverable waste strategies and implementation plans. All of our strategic advisory support is underpinned by data analysis. Our range of tools and models incorporate:

  • Waste flows
  • Forecasting future waste arisings
  • Infrastructure requirements
  • Collection system performance
  • Carbon impact
  • Recycling performance
  • Cost modelling
  • Decision making and options assessment

Ricardo can support you by gathering and analysing relevant datasets to inform your business decisions. We take an analytical approach to waste market research; we either use robust existing data or make credible assumptions to which we apply sensitivities and certainty ranges.

Ricardo monitors and benchmarks performance, and prepares operational action plans to help deliver improvements. Such reviews can be performed throughout the contract cycle, but are particularly valuable when a contract is coming up for review.

Ricardo's bespoke carbon tool enables councils not only to evaluate their current performance, but also, to test possible future interventions, to understand where their best saving opportunities may lie in order to map their journey to net zero.

LCA is an established method for assessing the environmental (and sometimes social) impacts of a product, service, business, policy or process. Many of our clients opt for a high-level scoping LCA initially, and then use the findings to drive and focus follow up investigations.

Ricardo's consultants have been performing LCA studies for many years covering a large range of products including industrial equipment, vehicles, lighting, beer, toilets, packaging and paper products.

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Our TEEP (technically, environmentally and economically practicable) assessment services are underpinned by our service review and benchmarking expertise as well as a robust waste collections model and TEEP assessment tool. 

Ricardo has the foremost team of WRATE practitioners in the UK, offering an unsurpassed track record of experience and an appreciation of the real world in terms of process performance.

Waste Auditng, Measurement And Modelling
Waste and resource measurement and modelling


This service is offered within the following sectors.

Discover our case studies

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Developing Scotland's sustainable, local and low carbon value chains

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Negative emission cogeneration technology

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Measuring Rail’S Circular Economy Performance

Measuring rail’s circular economy performance

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Waste and resource measurement and modelling Resources

Ricardo unveils time lapse video of its combined heat and power demonstrator plant with carbon negative footprint

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Josh Dalby and team wins Ricardo Innovation Award for work on community-scale greenhouse gas removal and clean energy

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Ricardo water policy experts release the tenth annual Australian Water Markets Report

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The challenges of greenhouse gas accounting in the UK’s waste and recycling sector 

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