
Swedish Chemicals Agency – sanctions and penalties for poison centre non-compliance

07 Jun 2022

Not complying with the Swedish Chemicals Agency rules on chemical notifications, which go beyond the harmonised notifications to the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA), is classed as a criminal offence. Non-compliance may lead to legal action or a fine between SEK 5,000 and SEK 2,0000 (EUR 500 and EUR 2,000).

In addition to these penalties, the Swedish Chemicals Agency has stated that the Swedish authorities are responsible for reporting any suspicion of an offence to the police or the prosecutor.   

Ricardo has confirmed with the Swedish poison centre that they have levied fines on organisations that are late with their yearly registration. We recommend all organisations submitting poison centre notifications in Sweden to ensure they are maintaining compliance.

Sweden is one of many Member States that has its own legislative requirements for notifying chemicals. As these national requirements can vary significantly, submitting data can be a complex process. Fortunately, our poison centre experts have extensive knowledge and experience that enable us to provide a comprehensive notification service across the EU, including meeting the requirements of individual Member States.

To help our clients navigate Europe’s complex hazardous mixture submission processes and avoid the financial and legal costs of non-compliance, our experts have also produced a poison centre compliance report. This includes the regulatory compliance requirements from ECHA and details of the additional requirements from individual Member States, and is available below this article.

Ricardo offers a full service for companies needing to submit poison centre notifications for their hazardous mixtures and biocides. We identify the specific data requirements for each Member State, tailored to your product range, and liaise with appropriate authorities to notify this information.

Learn more about how Ricardo can support your organisation with understanding Annex VIII to CLP or poison centre notifications >