Scenario planning

Scenario planning is a valuable tool to help businesses plan more effectively in an ever-changing world. By blending the known and the unknown into plausible views of what lies ahead of us business leaders are better placed to ask themselves: if I place my organisation into one of those scenarios, how robust is the strategy that I’m following?

Equipping businesses to navigate the complexities of the future

At Ricardo, we have decades of experience in foresight and futures research but our approach goes further: we consider not only how the world around us will change but how organisations can be ready for that change. Our deep strategic expertise equips business leaders to navigate the complexities of the future while our world-class technical design, engineering and automotive experience supports planning for implementation.

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The future is ours to shape but there are clear trends that will play a role in that process. These range from emerging and disruptive technologies, such as electrification and autonomy, to new business models like Billing as a Service. The challenge for industry leaders and decision-makers is twofold: to understand the potential risks and opportunities that their enterprise may face in the years to come and to make meaningful preparations for them.

Scenario planning is a valuable tool to help businesses plan more effectively and for developing strategies that deal with inherent uncertainty. Scenarios are possible worlds, not predictions. By blending the known and the unknown into plausible views of the future, the Ricardo team can help your organisation test the robustness of its long-term strategies and stretch the organisational thinking and plan for disruptive new products and services.

In each project, we use our in-depth technical background in conjunction with world-leading industry understanding to:

  • Build 2-4 scenarios, each describing alternative views of the future
  • Consider the implications of each scenario for your organisation
  • Help the client's organisation formulate strategies for future products and services that are robust to these scenarios
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Scenario planning


This service is offered within the following sectors.

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3-80MW marine propulsion market​

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Fuels Institute Life Cycle Analysis

Life cycle analyses of electric and internal combustion vehicles

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UK Government awards funding for place-based decarbonisation plans to Shoreham Port Industrial Cluster

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Scenario planning Resources

Ricardo water policy experts release the tenth annual Australian Water Markets Report

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Understanding challenges in energy and mobility in 2035

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In conversation with Julie Fream and Leslie Bednarz

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In conversation with Jeff Morrison and Fred Gersdorff

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Meet the experts


Angela Johnson

Vice President and Head RSC EMEA

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