Technology strategy

Ricardo offers an objective, informed, and detailed viewpoint on the future for advanced technology.

Finding the best route forward with advanced technology

Technology lies at the heart of the automotive and transport industries. However, in a crowded field of technology pathways, it can often be difficult to select the best route forward. Established industry players have fallen from dominant positions by selecting the wrong option; equally, new entrants have grown rapidly by exploiting advantages in technology.

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Critical technology management

Through our proven methods, deep industry expertise, and global reach, we work with our clients to develop successful strategies for the development or maintenance of new intellectual property that drives innovation and provides continued growth in revenue and profits.

Adoption modelling

Our approach delivers a deep understanding of the economics and impacts of various drivers behind consumer choices and provides quantitative adoption rate forecasts based on a proven set of analysis techniques.

Technology roadmaps

We are uniquely prepared to develop both long-term and short-term strategies for technology planning and development, improving our clients’ business performance in terms of efficiency, growth, resiliency, competitive advantage, and bottom line.

Scenario planning

Scenario planning is an established tool for developing strategies that deal with inherent uncertainty. By blending the known and the unknown into plausible views of the future, our team can help your organisation test the robustness of its long-term strategies and help stretch the organisational thinking and plan for disruptive new products and services.

Horizon scanning

As experts on the forefront of automotive evolution and technologies, Ricardo can share unique perspectives and knowledge to better identify how evolving technologies might influence the future.

At Ricardo we know that the adoption of technology relies as much on economics as it does on performance, which is why we leverage our consultants’ experience in both engineering and business to make assessments of future technology impacts.

We also appreciate that it is not always clear how a disruptive technology can have a knock-on effect to adjacent sectors (for example, the impact of powertrain electrification on the automotive lubricants market), which is why we have developed a toolkit of techniques to model the impact of new technology adoption.

Finally, we understand that promising technologies have failed due to a lack of a coherent exploitation strategy, which is why we use a proven, data-driven approach to assist our clients manage their valuable IP, executed by a team with first-hand experience of technology implementation.

Technology lies at the heart of the automotive and transport industries. Demanding trends in regulation and customer expectations will require the adoption of advanced technology throughout the value chain in the next decade and beyond. However, in a crowded field of technology pathways, it can often be difficult to select the best route forward. Established industry players have fallen from dominant positions by selecting the wrong option; equally, new entrants have grown rapidly by exploiting advantages in technology.

In an industry where almost all stakeholders have a vested interest in a particular pathway, Ricardo can offer an objective, informed, and detailed viewpoint on the future for advanced technology.

Whether you are a developer looking for assistance with critical technology management, an industry player wishing to understand adoption modelling and relevant technology roadmaps, or a stakeholder who would benefit from scenario planning and horizon scanning, Ricardo has an approach that can help.

World Connected

Our unique approach to technology strategy

Broad breadth of experience

We know the adoption of technology relies as much on economics as it does on performance, which is why we leverage our consultants’ experience in both engineering and business to make assessments of future technology impacts.

Toolkit of techniques

We appreciate that it is not always clear how a disruptive technology can have a knock-on effect to adjacent sectors (for example, the impact of powertrain electrification on the automotive lubricants market), which is why Ricardo has developed a toolkit of techniques to model the impact of new technology adoption.

Data driven approach

We understand that promising technologies have failed due to a lack of a coherent exploitation strategy, which is why we use a proven, data-driven approach to assist our clients manage their valuable IP, executed by a team with first-hand experience of technology implementation.

Technology strategy


This service is offered within the following sectors.

Discover our case studies


Sustainable fuels workshop, providing foundational knowledge for customer’s decarbonisation journey

Read case study
Marine Propulsion Applications

Accessing the market and technologies for methanol internal combustion engines

Read case study
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Assessing the future market share of alternative fuelled marine power systems to 2050

Read case study

Technology strategy Resources

A new project will help measure the impact of the European climate-neutral road transport system research

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Importing or producing green hydrogen and efuels: what are the wider implications of the EU strategy?

Read article

UK Government awards funding for place-based decarbonisation plans to Shoreham Port Industrial Cluster

Read article

Understanding challenges in energy and mobility in 2035

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Meet the experts


Angela Johnson

Vice President and Head RSC EMEA

View bio

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