Rick Database Lifestyle

2023 marks 40 years of Chemdata

01 Jan 2023

Over the last 40 years Chemdata – a reliable and interactive chemical hazard database –  has evolved following technology changes and user feedback into the product it is today.  Our aim is, and always has been, to provide our users with an outstanding product that meets their needs and helps them to deal with hazmat incidents quickly and efficiently.

A reliable and interactive chemical hazard database, Chemdata provides those responding to a chemical incident with critical, relevant and proportionate information. It contains details on more than 62,000 substances and 186,000 different chemical names – including pure and trade-name chemicals – to support incident response.
With multiple language options, multi-platform integration and access, and the ability to add user notes, Chemdata is extremely flexible.

While Chemdata has been designed to be simple and intuitive to use, we also know that many users benefit from additional training so they can get the most out of it. In consideration of this, we have a short online training course lasting approximately 30 minutes. A more in-depth training module is also available and we can also tailor training for your organisation.

Chemdata's journey

From DOS and UNIX versions through to today’s Windows program, Android and iOS apps, it has been an incredible journey that will continue as technology changes and users provide feedback.  

Over the years, the app has undergone tremendous improvements and we have added new data and functionality based on user feedback. This has included the addition of physical properties, environmental data, cordon distances, exposure limits and proportional advice and the addition of additional languages. We have moved from installations on floppy disks (remember them?) to CDs to downloads and now in-app data updates.

Looking to the future, we have a number of ideas for further improvements to Chemdata - but we are always keen to hear from our users and what would benefit them most! If you have any suggestions, please do let us know.


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